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carbonaceous shale中文是什么意思

用"carbonaceous shale"造句"carbonaceous shale"怎么读"carbonaceous shale" in a sentence


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  • Its applicability might be questioned on the grounds that carbonaceous shale is not known to occur near any of these deposits .
  • Oil - source correlation studies show that the oil sample in well yi535 did not mainly derive from coals , but mainly originated from the coal measure mudstones and / or carbonaceous shales . the condensates in tiergen structure originated from coals with a later stage of maturation . the oils in yinan 2 well might originate from the coal measure mudstones with relative high maturity , which bear the same source as the oils in yi535 well but with different mature level
  • With the tectonic uplift of the source area and the climate turning dry , the coal forming period was over , the fluvial system and fluvial - delta system became to play a major role . based on the study of former researchers and the theory of deep basin gas reservoir forming , the deep basin gas trap in the ordos basin is analyzed and is supposed to form in the ramp of the basin . it is supposed that the hydrocarbon of the deep basin gas trap is mainly composed of coal , carbonate and carbonaceous shale and with the " upper water seal " in the north of the study area the g
用"carbonaceous shale"造句  


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